AAA 12V air compressor
After waiting in line at the gas station to fill my leaking tire last week, I decided to try my 12 volt air compressor this time. It did a great, if noisy, job. Good to know - I keep the compressor in the trailer for emergencies.

It made me think of all the stuff I carry 'just in case'.  Some of it I use all the time - but some of it has never been out of the box!  Would it really work if I need it?

How about you?  Have you actually used everything you carry?


  1. Replies
    1. I have been distracted with family and friends - and conflicted about posting - they tend not to be the 'open book' that I am. That said, I may have to post some pics of my new grand-nephews. They were born about 10 weeks early, but after some tense times are home and doing well.
      Camping season is upon us here in the NW - so I'm sure the posting will uptick. I've been enjoying reading your exploits!


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