My house smells like mushroom risotto!

8 mushrooms; almost 4 pounds!

After Paula's success in finding mushrooms, I was eager to try my luck.  Despite the woods being pretty picked over after a long weekend of more experienced hunters combing through them (and coming away with grocery bags full of mushrooms), I found a few more of the King Boletes.  Total haul for the weekend - almost 4 pounds (8 mushrooms - these things are huge).  I'm cooking half of them and drying the rest.  The 'shrooms have an amazingly rich smell.  Paula and I are sharing recipe ideas and Nehalem Bay is definitely on my fall destination list forever!

Second day's haul - the one on the right was over 1/2 pound!

Molly's new jacket

Here's a picture of the new jacket I mentioned in yesterday's post.  Gatherings are a lot like what I imagine the old pioneer trapper Rendezvous were like.  Isolated travelers who come together periodically to share info, socialize and enjoy the lifestyle we've chosen together. 

Greyhounds love clothes!
You can't see it in that picture, but the last day of the gathering was a beautiful cloudless sunny day! Packing up to go home and saying goodbye to everyone is always a bit sad - but, today, this feeling was offset by the sheer beauty of a perfect autumn day.


  1. If you've already eaten some, I guess they're not poisonous. :)

    1. I admit to monitoring my internal state a bit more consciously yesterday!

  2. WooHoo! Welcome to wild mushroom mania!!!

    The first time I ate one of my finds, even though I had researched it ever so carefully, I still half-way expected to wake up dead! :D

    Buy a copy of North American Guide to Wild Edible Mushrooms by David Fischer. It will teach you which mushrooms are safest to start with, and if you follow his keys, you cannot poison yourself.

    After that, buy a good guide to northwestern mushrooms. You can check the reviews at Amazon to get an idea of which ones are the best.

    Happy hunting! And eating!

  3. Oops, correction. The name of that book is Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America: A Field to Kitchen Guide by David Fischer.


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