Home 4 weeks; 4 sentence summary

Not the best month . . . 

  1. Second rainiest March ON RECORD!
  2. Caught a cold
  3. Food poisoning
  4. After losing 2 pets in the last 9 months, Faye Wray, my remaining kitty, is diagnosed with thyroid and kidney issues. She is not happy about the new diet, the pills, and the subcutaneous fluids as we attempt to flush her kidneys.
Enough said about the last 4 weeks!

On a more positive note . . .

Put me in Coach!!

I'm officially in the 'rotation' for helping care for my adorable twin grand-nephews! One day a week, my sister-in-law and I will be chasing after these increasingly mobile little greased monkeys - and I couldn't be happier about it.

Learning to play hide-and-seek


  1. That positive news ought to keep you hopping!

    1. They are a handful! Even more amazing as they were born quite early and were unbelievably tiny - they've gone from the size of little footballs to downright burly! Mostly still crawling - very fast, usually in opposite directions, and always towards steps, lamps, or electrical cords.

  2. So glad you will have the little ones to bring fun and diversion. :)


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